Relevance of Shiva and modern economics, know how to take knowledge of economics from Shiva?

Relevance of Shiva and modern economics, know how to take knowledge of economics from Shiva?

Four efforts and pillars of Sanatan Dharma have been mentioned – Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. In Shiv Purana Vidyoshvara Samhita 25.68 (By seeing and touching him one soon attains the four pursuits of Dharma, Artha and Kama, Moksha). Let us know today through this article how to learn economics from Lord Shiva?

According to Shiv Upasana issue (page number 149), Shiva is a supernatural element and on the other hand, economics is a new, secular and western science in modern form. But despite being different, there is a similarity between these two. Shiva means welfare and Arthashastra means trying to provide material happiness to human society. We have to think about what are the things in the life and thoughts of Lord Shiva which have benefited the public as economics does or should do. The topic is wide, so let us discuss some  Will have to be satisfied with examples only.

Use of Money for Our Needs

Various types of activities related to wealth or money take place because man needs many things for survival or consumption or to expand his limits. Economics itself means “human needs” And the means to fulfill them. The path to economic progress lies in continuously increasing new needs and then making efforts to fulfill them. But to what extent the society gets the desired happiness of economics through this progress is a problem. Dissatisfaction is increasing everywhere. As wealth increases, the amount of dissatisfaction is also increasing due to the increase in our needs.

On the contrary, Lord Shiva’s ideal is to keep one’s needs to a minimum, make full use of natural resources, distribute one’s wealth for the consumption of others, be satisfied with little, and give up wealth and grandeur. Nowadays a person with such ideals would be called uncivilized and wild, so are we living our lives to show it to others. Why don’t we worship Ashutosh and try to become ‘Ashutosh’ to some extent? Will we be called civilized only by eating fifty-six bhog and wearing fine clothes? By carrying the weight of Mother Ganga on his head, Lord Shiva told that only those who live a life of simplicity and penance can overcome difficulties, those trapped in pleasures and luxuries cannot do anything.

Earning money

We have to decide to what extent we should take our increasing needs. Unless our needs are limited and keep increasing, we will have to keep trying to fulfill them, which will never allow us to be happy. But on the contrary, if we take a little lesson from Lord Shiva’s lifestyle and try to reduce our food and clothing needs, then a lot of them can be fulfilled from natural things and whatever little will be lacking will be , it can easily be completed in a short time with our efforts.

In this way, the remaining time of our life can be spent in acquiring various types of knowledge and science and in thinking and meditating on moral and spiritual subjects. Nowadays, except a few people in rich and developed countries, everyone else is suffering from the hustle and bustle of living. Modern civilization is far behind in curing this disease, Lord Shiva is teaching in this regard by his example. A life of simplicity is necessary for high and peaceful thoughts.

If we move away from materialism then there will be a massive revolution in the ideas related to wealth acquisition. At present, the making of every such thing like liquor, smoking, intoxicants and fireworks etc., which is exchangeable, which is consumed by humans, even if they do not get any benefit from its ‘consumption’, is said to be a work of ‘wealth production’. Even if they suffer some physical, mental or moral harm. Will there come a time when only the creation of things that benefit Shiva or welfare will be called ‘money generation’?

Trade Exchange

Today bribery is taken as a right. They take pride in deceiving and behaving falsely with others. We consider ourselves wise in snatching away the wealth of others. We want everyone’s money to come to us. We are not satisfied even if we keep collecting. How will we attain the happiness of renunciation like Lord Shiva? When will we be happy after giving everything to others?

Until this happens, no country will achieve internal peace and international trade will always be a cause of discord, no matter how many trade treaties and agreements are made. We should consider our own interest in the interest of others. In this way, selling liquor, opium, hobby items and forcefully sending any of our goods abroad by destroying the businesses of others and increasing the demand for it there is all unethical business. Shiva’s followers should not become the ones who trap others into commercial slavery where they themselves are self-reliant."text-align: justify;">Thus other subjects of economics can be considered. The meaning of worshiping Lord Shiva should be to accept the principle that the principles of economics which are not actually beneficial for us and others should not be considered as economics. For this, it is necessary that we should not be slaves of the senses but should live a restrained life like Lord Shiva and we should look at this part of sociology with the third eye (conscience-intellect) and not just from the external point of view. Only through that we can conquer ‘Kam’ (like Lord Shiva had destroyed Kam Dev) and provide true happiness to ourselves and others.

Also read: Lord Krishna together broke the pride of Arjun and Hanuman ji, know how

Note- The views given above are the personal views of the author. It is not necessary that ABP News Group agrees with this. The author alone is responsible for all claims or objections related to this article.

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